VALUsaver™ and Direct Mail Magazines offers an established business model in the Advertising Direct Mail Business with proven business turnkey guidelines that ensures your success when applied with your strong effort. Our advertising business opportunity prototype teaches you step by step the process of becoming a profitable local advertising direct mail business owner.

You’re ready to be your own boss and own your own business. You set your hours and, you can take can control of your business future!

The Direct Mail industry is a $50 billion market today and. If you are an entrepreneur looking to enter a high growth market and recession proof business our innovative Advertising Direct Mail Business Opportunity may be for you? Small to medium size businesses need our cost effective advertising that our direct mail magazine business model offers. Join our network of successful independent business owners who have grown their businesses with our magazines and other direct mail advertising products.

Our innovative direct mail advertising products continue to lead the way in the changing the economic environment in today’s local markets. You’ll receive training, resources and on-going support to help you make your business a success.

Direct Mail Magazines advertising publications reach consumers at their homes through their mailbox with our direct mail coupon magazine. Our upscale, family-oriented, high quality coupon direct mail advertising magazines are affordable for the advertisers. Our Goal is to find our advertisers new customers and reward their existing customer base with great ads and offers 4-6 times a year.

Our direct mail advertising and marketing magazine products reach 10,000-30,000 households every time they are mailed. Our advertising rates are as little as 1.0 cent per household. We can show you how our marketing and direct mail advertising programs, mailed 4-6 times a year, will find your advertising clients new customers, increase their profits and establish their brand name alongside some of your region’s best businesses. We are your solution and we are here to help you grow and expand your market share as a business owner.
