Steller is a well crafted multi-purpose marketing landing page template for personal and corporate use. It features 12 different and clean designed demo landing pages to get started with. Steller designed to engage & attract more of your target audience and convince them to use forms and click the call-to-action buttons. The files include all elements & blocks separately from demos to easily collect your suitable landing page. You can start to use App, E-learning, Event, Finance, Construction, E-book, Startup, Software, Portfolio, Service, Product and Photography landing pages once you download the file.
- 20 PSD file included.
- +30 Blocks & Elements.
- 12 different demo landing pages.
- Modern & trendy layout.
- Rich typography.
- Free google fonts.
- Free font icons.
- Designed on 1170px grid system.
- Detailed documentation.
- Easy customizable PSD files.
- Support 24/7.
Files Included
- 01_E-learning.psd
- 02_App.psd
- 03_Finance.psd
- 04_Construction.psd
- 05_Event.psd
- 06_E-book.psd
- 07_Startup.psd
- 08_Software.psd
- 09_Portfolio.psd
- 10_Service.psd
- 11_Product.psd
- 12_Photography.psd
- 01_Headers.psd
- 02_Icon_With_Text.psd
- 03_Team.psd
- 04_Testimonials.psd
- 05_Video.psd
- 06_Pricing_Tables.psd
- 07_Call_To_Action.psd
- 08_Footers.psd
Fonts Used:
Icons Used:
Sources & Credits
* All images are used for preview purpose ONLY and NOT included in the final purchase files.
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