QMAIL Responsive e-mail template provide 250+ modules, using stampready builder you can design by your own with no code. With 250+ diferent modules you have umlimited design layout for your purpose. Qmail are best to growth your email subscriber.
Qmail with huges modules are great for Service bussines, Ecommerce, online shoping, portofoio, company profiles, digital product launch and etc.
QMAIL are responsive email template compaitable with All device and almost all e-mail clients. QMAIL compaitable wit stampready, mailchimp and campaign monitor.
- Responsive Email Template
- Drag & Drop in StampReady
- Unlimited Colors
- StampReady, Campaign Monitor & MailChimp compatible
- Documentation
- StampReady compatible file
- Campaignmonitor compatible file
- MailChimp compatible file
- HTML Responsive email file
- Documentation HTML page
- Android
- AOL Mail
- Apple Mail
- Gmail
- Hotmail
- iPad
- iPhone
- Lotus Notes 8
- Lotus Notes 8.5
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- Opera Mail
- Outlook 2000
- Outlook 2002
- Outlook 2003
- Outlook 2007
- Outlook 2010
- Outlook 2011
- Outlook 2013
- Yahoo Mail
- And mostly all clients that render valid HTML
Outlook doesn’t support radius button
Please use the contact form available on our profile page.
all images from pixabay and for demo only
Icon sets from http://www.flaticon.com
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