Resume / CV / vCard Template
PRO Card Fully Responsive Resume / CV / vCard Template — A premium tool to promote yourself. Ready to look stunning on any device – from a widescreen monitor to a mobile phone. 12 Beautiful Color schemes are built in and its easy to set any color to elements such as links, buttons, menu links, etc. The template is best suited for a developer, designer, programmer, freelancer, photographer, front-end developer. The template contains detailed documentation with examples, with which you can quickly and easily create your own high-quality website.
Main Features
- Material Design
- Creative Layout
- HTML5, CSS3 & jQuery powered
- Responsive Design & Retina ready
- 12 Color Schemes
- Bootstrap v3.3.7
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Powerful Portfolio with filters, solid ajax portfolio details with navigation, slider & mobile optimized lightbox. Both support image, video and audio (YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud)
- Flexible Images & Videos (supports responsive video embed in various aspect ratios)
- Fully Working Contact Form
- Easy to Customize : Fonts, Colors, Content etc…
- 67 Different Page in-out animations
- 30+ Popular Social Icons
- 1500+ Font Icons
- Blog pages
- Pricing Section
- Google Maps
- Google reCAPTCHA v2
- Clean, Valid and Commented code
- Help File included (Detailed instructions on how to edit the template.)
- Regular Updates
- 24/7 Support
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