- Bootstrap based – Mosby is bootstrap based which makes it fully customizable and easy to edit. get your site up and running in minutes.
- Fully responsive design – Mosby is compatible with all devices.We have tested our code on a multitude of phones and tablets
- Extensive documentation – Not familiar with coding? It’s not an issue. that’s why we included extensive help files on how to use and customize Mosby.
- Built with SEO in mind – Well thought and organized markup, real copy about the subject, no lorem lpsum, only SEO optimized content.
- Quality & Organized markup – Clean, well organized and commented markup will make your customization and use easy and fast, even if you have no coding skills.
- Crossbrowser compatibility – It works in harmony with all browsers. All the necessary tests were done.
- Validated files – It is prepared in accordance with W3C rules.
- Over 400+ Font Awesome Icons – The most common icon font library is Font-awesome.
- Quick support – Any time you need help, you can contact us.
Mosby is a new portfolio concept for creative agencies and freelancers. Graphic designers, illustrators, photographers or any kind of creative is now able to create a quick and easy portfolio to showcase their work with a distinctive and creative touch.
- Multi Page Design
- Easy to customize
- Html5 & Css3
- W3c valid html code
- Google fonts included
- Font Awesome icons
- Clean and Creative
- Full Responsive
- Page Animation
- Fully customizable
- Over 400+ Font Awesome Icons.
- Google Map
- Documented
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