Gleek is a Bootstrap4 Admin Template, Especially made for SAAS Startups, ERP Companies, Social Marketing Agancies and can be used as Control Panel for Any Software Project. Have an vibrant idea? Planning to launch MVP? Looking for easy editable Admin Template? Check with “Gleek”, Different Use Cases of Gleek Admin Dashboard
Gleek – Bootstrap 4 Multipurpose Admin Dashboard Template:Gleek is a Modern, Clean design, Multi-Purpose and Featured HTML Bootstrap 4 Template. Especially designed for Restaurant, Crypto Currency, Invoice, Hospital, Real Estate, Ticket System (Event), Blog, Fitness, Ad Campaign, Download Management, Call Center, Event, Payments, Products, Electronic Products, Music App, Photo Management, School Management, Video Management and Weather.
Credits :Images :
- Credit
- Bootstrap 4
- Bootstrap 4 rtl
- bootstrap-select
- bootstrap-datepicker
- bootstrap-daterangepicker
- bootstrap-timepicker
- bootstrap-material-datetimepicker
- Bootstrap Tags Input
- Bootstrap TouchSpin
- Bootstrap clockpicker
- bootstrap-multiselect
- Bootstrap Dual Listbox
- jasny Bootstrap
- bootstrap-notify
- Segoe UI
- Animate.css
- Font Awesome
- simple-line-icons
- weather-icons
- Ionicons
- Material Design Icons
- Cryptocoins
- pe-icon-set-weather
- Linea Icons
- flag-icon
- Themify Icons
- DataTables
- DataTables-Bootstrap4
- FooTable
- jsGrid Table
- FooTable
- jquery-bootgrid
- jQuery
- jQuery UI
- jQuery Mask Plugin
- jQuery-slimScroll
- jquery-validation
- jQuery-Smart-Wizard
- jquery.simpleWeather
- jQuery Steps Plugin
- jquery.repeater
- BlockUI
- TopoJSON
- metisMenu
- D3
- C3.js
- Chart.js
- Chartist-js
- Google Charts
- jQuery Sparklines
- morris.js
- easy-pie-chart
- ECharts
- amCharts
- chartjs-plugin-streaming
- jQuery Vector Map
- DataMaps
- gmaps
- Owl Carousel
- noUiSlider
- summernote
- ckeditor
- quill
- tinymce
- jquery-style-switcher
- Web-Ticker
- raphael
- TopoJSON
- Moment.js
- jquery-circle-progress
- pg-calendar
- dropzone
- Flot
- jquery.flot.spline
- FullCalendar
- jquery-asColorPicker
- JustGage
- jQuery-knob
- Nestable2
- peity
- rickshaw
- select2
- switchery
- toaster
- typeahead.js
- waypoints
- X-editable
- sweetalert2
- gauge.js
- pickdate.js
- Dropify
- cropper
- cropperjs
- clipboard.js
- Magnific-Popup
- shepherd
- typed.js
- Datedropper3
- jstree
- SpinKit
- Ladda
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