Want to know if you can re-run old Facebook ads?
If you’ve been advertising on Facebook for a while, you’ve probably got ads paused in your ad account right now that previously performed well.
Can you re-run those high-performing Facebook ads?
And how about re-running the old Facebook ad campaigns they are in?
What if those old Facebook ads were paused because of Facebook ad fatigue?
I answer those Facebook ads questions and more in this video.
#re-runfacebookads #facebookads #facebookadfatigue
Facebook Ad Campaigns Stuck?!! Do This…
How To Overcome Facebook Ad FATIGUE
Facebook Ads – What To Do When NOTHING Is Working!
How LONG Should You Run A Facebook Ad For?
How To Get CONSISTENT Results With Facebook Ads
FREE WEBINAR: You can watch my free webinar called “3 Killer Facebook Ad Strategies To Double (or More!) Your Revenue” here: https://event.webinarjam.com/register/lx4z0iy
Join my free FACEBOOK ADS MASTERMIND GROUP here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/483271052092516/
If you have a Facebook ads budget of $3k per month or more, we’d love to speak with you and discuss how we can help you achieve fantastic results.
You can book a free 30-minute strategy session with us here: https://www.leadguru.co.uk/strategy/
Download my free 5-PART FACEBOOK AD TEMPLATE here: https://www.leadguru.co.uk/facebook-ad-template-lp/
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