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Are you interested in Building Your Own Online Business? Now, I want to talk a bit about computer systems and the beauty of an online business. I believe that you can take your laptop, your one computer, and start building your online business, get it up and running, and start selling it with one computer. There’s no doubt in my mind. Kajabi, that I’ve been showing you, has a smaller version called Kajabi Next that is very easy for someone to set up an online course and start charging money for it right away. It has a test drive feature. I forget what they call it, but it’s like the test drive I’ve kind of talked about and showed you here. It’s a neat little system. It’s just not quite big enough for what I do because I’ve got so many things going on. I’m staying with the larger Kajabi. But, you could virtually have your business up and running with one laptop, one camera, even if it’s just your smart phone, and you’re up and running, and you’re in business. I firmly believe that. I’ve been doing online stuff five years, basically, and The Online Ground School three and a half years. I’ve always had a laptop. I’ve lived in Indiana, I’ve lived in North Carolina, and I’ve lived in California for a bit. So, the beauty of an online business is, you’re always in business everywhere you go. When I was living in other places, I would haul some of my computer equipment around, but I didn’t haul everything, and I could still operate. Recently, since I got the iPhone 6 Plus, I quit carrying an iPad. Because I was carrying an iPad, so if I’m out and about, if I’m somewhere at a restaurant or out shopping, and I have a customer that has a problem, and I need to log in with my smaller iPhone, it’s just hard to see and hard to work. So, I always had an iPad with me so I could log in. Now, with the iPhone 6, the screen’s big enough. It’s a little bit of a pain to carry around, but to me, it’s worth it. I can log in and take care of a customer from anywhere. So, the beauty of an online business is, you can be in business anywhere. You literally can be on the beach, you can be at home, you can be at your office. You can be anywhere, and you can operate. I’ve been at the pool when I’ve had a sale. I’ve been sleeping when I’ve had a sale. I’ve been driving, the list goes on and on. You work certain hours of the day, but your online business is always out there, always working for you. And, you’re making money when you’re out goofing off sometimes. So, it’s a beautiful thing. So, back to the computers. I really believe you can start out very small, with one computer. What I would suggest is maybe a laptop and a desktop. That’s what I started out doing five years ago when I started blogging. I had a laptop and a desktop, and I would watch the videos on one computer, and I would go to the other computer and do what these gurus were telling me. That’s how I got started, which I’ve kind of explained to you. Another idea is, get yourself a backup monitor. I recently got two of these flat monitors, I went to the local recycle place, and they take in a lot of equipment, and they also hand things out to the public when you go in and ask them. I got two flat screens, no charge, brought them back. I try to have two screens on every computer so you can get an extra flat screen, simple VGA computer, and boom, hook it up to your laptop. That’s pretty easy too. I did that a lot when I was in California and working with two laptops. When I would go to the office of where I was working, they had an extra computer there, and that’s what I would do. I would plug in so that I could work with two screens. When you start doing very many things, having two screens is really, really nice. So, starting out, you can be doing it with one computer. You’ll probably want to start adding things as you go. I use all PC. And, I know the gurus say, “Dump your PC and go with Mac as soon as absolutely possible.” I wish I could do that. I wish I had the money to go out and get all Mac, but I don’t. I started with PC, and added another computer, added another. Maybe if I’m lucky someday, maybe I will get to move up to the Mac . So, from what I understand, from what people say, there are a lot less problems. They’re better for video work. There’s a lot of benefits to the Mac. But, I‘m using a PC. So, the first thing, if you start doing video, if you’re using, let’s say, one laptop, pretty quickly you are going to start filling up the memory on your computer. It happens very quickly. So, what I started out doing at first was using a small USB unit. Plug it in, and you can move video onto there. It holds a decent amount. But, if you shoot
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