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Land your first 3 Clients with No Outreach or prior work 🚀.
Make sure to stick around for number 4 and 5 to learn how to do just that!

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In this video I go over 5 things you should Never do when starting a web design agency.
I’ve heard so many people talk about how they’ve wasted weeks and months by not knowing where to begin.
Many agency owners and freelancers also don’t tell people they already know that they offer services, which limits their potential to land clients for free!
If you have no clients are getting started with agency, I think this video will help you find your way, and hopefully land your first 3 clients 🙂

🖌️ How to Design Websites:
📝 Proposals, Invoices, Contracts, Client Portal & more:
🏆 How I build powerful Websites:
🗓️ How I organise my Agency:

How I got my First Web Design Client Without Outreach:


#agency #client #webdesign

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00:00 – Intro
00:22 – 1. Trends & Indecisiveness
02:31 – 2. Contract or Agreement
03:34 – 3. Overpromising
04:43 – 4. Network is your Net-worth
05:44 – 5. Work for FREE
